Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Body + Soul + Spirit = A COMPLETE MAN

Dont get it al wrong, they all work together

When one is faulty there is sure going to be a great challenge

All must be balanced

Behind the man you see on the outside is the INNER MAN

Dont under estimate this part of man's energy

It all determines whether this enery is positively or negatively charged

Most under estimate thias energy because they always are negatively charged on the inside

Great thoughts make for a Great man, Poor thoughts make for a Poor man

Believe in yourself and always be positive

Energy is needed to climb up the ladder

Wen you get to the top you need alot of positive energy to stay at the top

Who can see the best in you except yourself?

Push yourself to the limit and breakthrough these limits

You were born limitless; Why then limit yourself with negative energy from the inside

Why do you always allow other peoples opinion to count over yours

Every man is different, find your place and stay there

Build a strong foundation and make the best out of every opportunity that comes your way to get to the top

Dont stop the man on the inside wanting a way out... EXPRESS YOURSELF.


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