Friday, July 4, 2014

Nigerians Don't Care About Rap Music – Kel Tells

In a recent interview with E-Punch , Nigerian female rapper Kel explains the reason behind her long absence from the music scene. She says, "I am working on other projects which are all entertainment related. Although I haven’t recorded any new song lately, I am working to release a come-back album before the year runs out. I have only stepped aside to take care of my education and to sort out pending issues with my former record label. I want to work on my music and myself, physically and mentally. But I am still in touch with the Nigerian music scene. Also, I am a brand
ambassador for SOULMATE Industries." The female Emcee and Soul Mates industries ambassador won the hearts of music lovers with her smashing debut album, " The Investment " back in 2009 but did the new generational music kick
her out of the market? The 'Wa Wa Alright ' hitmaker admits that rap music is being
looked down upon in Nigeria, claiming only two percent of the country's population really appreciates rap music. " Rap will always be a looked down upon as a music genre in Nigeria." She told E-Punch, "The truth is that only two percent of the country’s population really appreciates rap music for what it is. Being a female rapper in Nigeria puts you under so much pressure, but I won't be switching genres when I return. I just want to release my new album as a surprise. I am not signed on to any
records label because I run my own label and won’t be signing on any artiste for now," she ended.

Who still believes in Kel? Tell us the honest truth...

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