Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Am a strong believer
I live with the hope that i would be who i want to be
Days of day dreaming, struggling and insults would come to an end
Bringing about a new dawn in my life
Nothing would stand in my way
Obstacles and challenges all will i fight till i get to the top spot
Believe births direction
Direction births focus
And focus would always put you on track
Making sure you dont loose it
Inspiration towards this aspiration happens to be my responsibility
I might be useless now or of no benefit to you and all
But pretty soon i would be the next big thing
My impact will be felt
Because i am a SPECIAL ONE not talking MOURHINO
I believe i would put my footprint in the sand of time
Not in one position but all around the world
Dont judge me by what you see today
What you see today is real deceiving
What tomorrow holds there lies the real TRUTH
I am not not going to get stressed out and give up
WHY? Did i hear you ask? its simply because

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