Wednesday, July 2, 2014


A warzone, training camp, mafia zone
Lots of soldiers with persona enrollment
A phase of experience
The venue for hustle
Makes and mars life's
Breaks and build bonds
Lots of haters with beef in mind
Worrying about them makes matters worse
A land for the strongest
A zone for the sharpest
Anything goes in this world
Age and respect is based on money and power
Lack of bot makes you irrelevant
A land of oppression and depression
The home to the sharpest of the sharpest
A world that strongly holds on to God
A land of milk and honey with a plantation of bitter leaf at initials
The strongest would always survive
Games are planned and played on here
Harbours men with a never say die spirit
Dont mess with men on the street
Blood in the eyes thanks to Mary Jane
A land where you can do anything and get away with it
Again i advice never ever mess with men on the street.

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