Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Has alot to do with the CLOCK
Cos it is measured by both days and nights
We all have goals to meet
We all have targets to meet
Both set by us and those around us
But TIME is never not just enough
It then comes down to those that either invest,waste or spend their time
Which category do you fall under?
Whichever category you fall under depends on what impact you make in life
One thing we all should have on mind is TIME wasted can never be recovered
What is lost is lost
From another perspective however
The difference between a made man and a man in the making is TIME
A very good friend of PATIENCE
Man needs to understand this, this understanding would help sustain FOCUS
And disdain HATE
Reduces rush and hush hate talks
Hard work is the price to pay
Sitting at the top, your reward
All within the frame of TIME
Every phase has its timing
Just like the seasons and weather
So never lose track of time
Trying to slack
Invest your time
And also learn to wait for your TIME

. . . . . . . .. 12. . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . .. 11. .↑. . .1. . . . . ..
. . . .10. . . . .|.. . . . .2. . . ..
. . .9. . . . . .. °→→ ....3. . ...
. . . ..8. . . . . . . . . . . .4. . . . .
. . . . . . .7. . .6 . . .5. . . . . . . . .  Invest it wisely.......

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